Friday, August 22, 2014

2014 All Time Standings

KSFBFFL All Time Standings

Its here boys! Drop your cocks and grab your socks, its football(fantasy) time!

With a mere 24 hours before the 2014 KSFBFFL draft lets take a look at the all time rankings. 

Wins (W-L)
1.       Steve Murphy – 43-22
2.       Keane Horner – 41-24
3.       Justin Vanhecke – 37-28
4.       Jason Stanley – 32-33
5.       Matt Murphy – 29-23
6.       Ben Keck – 28-37
7.       Pearce McKinley – 25-27
8.       Harrison Poole – 22-43
9.       Tristan Trupka – 19-33
         Casey Walker – 16-23
         Austin Meyers – 13-13^
         Mike Brungardt – 12-14^

Win %
1.       Steve Murphy – .662
2.       Keane Horner – .631
3.       Justin VanHecke – .569
4.       Matt Murphy – .558
5.       Austin Meyers – .500
6.       Jason Stanley – .492
7.       Pearce McKinley – .481
8.       Mike Brungardt – .462
9.       Ben Keck – .431
        Casey Walker – .410
        Tristan Trupka – .365
        Harrison Poole – .338

No surprise here folks, Sven Murphy and Cheese Horner are the cream of the crop when it comes to winning. The big surprise is how shitty 2009 KSFBFFL champion Ben Ji Keck has sucked ass recently, .431??? Woof.

Total Points
1.       Keane Horner – 6,156
2.       Justin VanHecke – 5,969
3.       Steve Murphy – 5,851
4.       Jason Stanley – 5,645
5.       Ben Keck – 5,608
6.       Harrison Poole – 5,017
7.       Pearce McKinley – 4,708
8.       Matt Murphy – 4,663
9.       Tristan Trupka – 4,255
        Casey Walker – 3,416
       Austin Meyers – 2,208
        Mike Brungardt – 2,175

Total Points (Per Year Avg.)
1.       Keane Horner – 1,231
2.       Justin VanHecke – 1,193
3.       Pearce McKinley – 1,177
4.       Steve Murphy – 1,170
5.       Matt Murphy – 1,166
6.       Casey Walker – 1,139
7.       Jason Stanley – 1,129
8.       Ben Keck – 1,122
9.       Austin Meyers – 1,104
        Mike Brungardt – 1,088
        Tristan Trupka – 1,064
        Harrison Poole – 1,003

Points Against (Per Year Avg.)
1.       Harrison Poole – 1,202
2.       Ben Keck – 1,177
3.       Jason Stanley – 1,169
4.       Tristan Trupka – 1,158
5.       Casey Walker – 1,135
6.       Matt Murphy – 1,127
7.       Justin VanHecke – 1,123
8.       Keane Horner – 1,123
9.       Mike Brungardt – 1,117
        Steve Murphy – 1,114
        Pearce McKinley – 1,101
        Austin Meyers – 1,072

Things get interesting when you look at the average points per year and points against. Lets take a look at ole Pearce McKinney....Second lowest amount of points scored against him but still no titles? Pearce Pearce may have wasted some golden opportunities these last couple of years and could be in big trouble if things take a swing the other way. Another thing to note from this is that teams really seem to bring their "A" game when playing Ben Ji Keck and Jason McMillen Stanley.  

Playoff W/L (Appearance %)
1.       Steve Murphy – 4-4 (100%)
2.       Keane Horner – 4-4 (100%)
3.       Justin VanHecke – 4-2 (60%)
4.       Matt Murphy – 2-3 (75%)
5.       Ben Keck – 2-1 (60%)
6.       Pearce McKinley – 2-1 (25%)
7.       Austin Meyers – 1-1 (50%)^
8.       Jason Stanley – 1-2 (33%)
9.       Mike Brungardt – 0-1 (50%)^
         Harrison Poole – 0-1 (20%)
        Tristan Trupka - 0-0 (0%)
     .   Casey Walker - 0-0 (0%)

Still no playoff appearances for Tucker or Wayne :-(

1.       Ben Keck – 2* (2009)
2.       Steve Murphy – 1 (2012)
3.       Keane Horner – 1 (2011)
4.       Justin VanHecke – 1 (2013)

Thats right, suck it bitches. 

Final All-Time Rankings (Computer Generated)

1      Keane Horner         -
       Steve Murphy        -
       Justin VanHecke    +2
       Matt Murphy         -1
        Ben Keck                  -1
        Pearce McKinley   +2
       Austin Meyers       +3
       Jason Stanley          -2
       Mike Brungardt     -2
      Casey Walker        -1
         Harrison Poole      -          
          Tristan Trupka       -

Note: 2010 Championship was forfeit due to a Terrorist attack during the Title Game.
* 2008 Helms Title
^ Only played one season