Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Week 2 Blurbs and Blubs/Power Rankings

Ben Ji
140 Miles east of Gods Country

Blurbs and Blubs/Power Rankings

Crocs GM Jason Stanley hopes to improve upon last season's disappointing result. 

- Lets all put our hands together and welcome Alex Cross to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Cross has taken over Sir Harrison Pooles team after Mr. Poole dropped off the face of the earth. When reached for comment Team Cross GM Alex Cross simply said "No seriously, how does this pitching thing work?"

-Rebel "Boats and Hosmer's" Yell GM Ben Keck and Boats n Hos-mers GM Alex Schoon are in a nasty legal dispute over who gets to use Stud First Baseman Eric Hosmers likeness in their team name. Hosmer played for the Hos-mers last year but was acquired in the off season by Yell. Things could get ugly if this dispute continues throughout the summer. 

- Are championship game hangovers real? Both the Penn Valley Pooches and the HGH Junkies have started the year slow. At least the Pooches were able to get a win, we reached out to Pooches GM Matt Murphy for a comment "2 time champ here, its not how you start, its how you finish"

- Is this the year the Elephants finally have their breakout season? GM Wayne Walker thinks so saying "Its time to shit or get off the pot"

Power Rankings

1. Boats n Hos-mers - 401 points in week 1 lands the Hos-mers in the top spot. 

2. Team Elephant- Max Sherzer and Ubaldo Jimenez look to lead this team to the promised land. 

3. LoCain is a hell of a drug- GM Sven Murphy has another dangerous ball club this year

4. Rebel "Boats and Hosmer's" Yell - Tough loss in week 1 but this team is built for the long haul. 

5. CW's Trouser Trout - Is this the year CW locks up baseball title to go with his Fball title?

6. Penn Valley Pooches - Bark in The park is next week at the K. 

7. Team Cross- If they can figure out how to set their lineup they could make the playoffs. 

8. HGH Junkies- Playboy GM Pearce McKinney needs to get off his Yacht and give his boys a talk. 

9. Crocs in Florida- Shut it down, try again next year. 

10. Los Gringos Blancos - The only thing this team will win is an award for worst team name.