Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 11 Power Rankings

Ben Ji
140 Miles East of Gods Country

Week 11 Power Rankings
An overhead view of the middle of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Standings

1.       Boats n Hosmers (8-2) The Boats have started the season on an impressive hot streak averaging 386 ppg but a fellow GM who would like to remain anonymous is not worried “Schoon? Yeah, they are starting the season well but he has no experience winning the big game. If he can keep his team healthy, and that’s a big IF, then expect nothing more than a first round exit”. 

      GM Schoon McGoon thinks otherwise “This is my 3rd year in the league and we have made the playoffs every season which is unprecedented for an expansion team(See Cross). With this pace we expect another appearance. If we can cap it off with a championship they might need to think about replacing one of the faces on Mt. Rushmore”

2.        Hosmer Stole My Girl (7-3) Newcomer Jared Concannon has taken the league by storm with his Analytic Revolution. We reached out to Ben Keck, GM of the defending champion Rebel Yell, for his take on their hot start. “It’s a Mirage, we see this every year. Some team starts out hot and everyone is clamoring that this will be the year someone besides the 3 Titans(Yell/Cain’s/Chen’s) wins the league…but it never happens”

3.       Rebel Yell (5-5) Despite leading the league with 394ppg ole Rebel Yell is still just 5-5 due to some bad breaks. The team keeps chugging along though and has positioned themselves well with the pickup of Sonny Gray off the trash heap. 

      “Its Ridiculous” GM Ben Keck shouted “Its ridiculous how stupid some people could be. Waive Sonny Gray 2 months into the season? Come on bro, make it a challenge for me!”

4.       Chen Music (6-4) The Chen’s are putting together another solid season behind young guns like Jake Arietta and Stephen Strasbourg. 2 Time champion GM Matt Murphy has faced some tough questions about his possible overuse of these starters but responded by saying “Those guys are horses! Did Nyquist wear down after winning the Kentucky Derby???.....Well, bad example. Look, our eyes are set on winning our 3rd championship and we have the balance to do so. We don’t rely on 1,2, or even 5 players, it’s a team effort here”

5.       Lo Cain’s (5-5) GM Sven Murphy has his team rolling on a 4 game winning streak and attributes it to “The emergence of young players like Eric Hosmer, Bryce Harper and Steven Matz. These players are young and hungry”. A young and hungry team combined with Sven’s championship experience(2 Titles) could make this a team that no one wants to face in the Playoffs.

6.       HGH Junkies (5-5) Perennial bridesmaid Pearce McKinley has put together another respectable squad this year but Anxiety is setting in that this team may not be good enough to wear the white dress. “I’m willing to listen to all offers” Maid of Honor Pearce McKinley said “Kershaw is on the block for the right price. It would require 2 players clearly above replacement level. I’m not trading Kershaw for a good player and “Joe the baseball player” who can be found on waivers.” There you have it folks, a BWKNBNC exclusive, Clayton Kershaw is on the block.

7.       Team Elephant (5-5) Is fatherhood having an adverse effect on Casey Wayne Walkers managerial abilities? Lil Charlie may be cuter than an Asian kid in glasses but Team Elephant’s fans are getting anxious about their 3 game losing streak.

8.       Los Gringos Blancos (4-6) Things were starting to look bleak for the Blancos after a 0-4 start but GM Cheese Horner rallied the troops back into contention. They face a HUGE midseason matchup this week against the Junkies and Cheese is sounding pretty confident “Consider this a fitting for his bridesmaid dress”

9.       Team Cross (3-7) Last years expansion team continues to struggle in the League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen. GM Alex Cross has refuted rumors that his squad was thinking about dropping down to AAA saying “ Its been very disappointing but I have my head high. Injuries and slumps are holding my team back from full potential. I think we have a few more quality wins under our belt in the second half of the year”.

10.   CW’s Trouser Trouts (2-8) With a horrendous start GM Juice Van Heche still thinks the Trout’s have something to play for saying “Our only goal at this point is to continue to make moves and make the team better. With the complete logjam in the middle of the standings one good week from my team could ruin one teams season while allowing another to sneak into the playoffs. It has never been a thought in my mind to just throw in the towel like GM’s have in the past(Jason Stanley) as that really takes away from the integrity of the league”. 

      Those were strong words issued by Coach Van Heche so we asked if he wanted to retract his indictment of former GM Jason Stanley, he refused and fired back “There is a reason he is no longer in the league. In living with him for 5 years I got an inside look at how he ran his team and needless to say the man was just not fit to run a baseball squad”