Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Interview With New Owner Scott Harris

Ben Ji
130 Miles East of Gods Country

BWKNBNC EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Scott Harris

Scott Harris (Middle in sailor cosplay outfit) enjoys a cold beverage

1. I noticed you are domiciled in the state of Oregon but your team is located in Salt Lake City. Do you have any plans on relocating and renaming the Polygamy Pounders? 

Yes, after procuring the Pounders from their previous owner, I’ve decided to move the team to Corvallis, OR. We love the fans of Salt Lake, but with the move out of Utah we felt it was appropriate to change the name (having more than one wife sounds horrible anyways). We are proud to announce that our new team name is “Roughing the Kooch”. This name plays into the traditions of Fantasy Football but is also an homage to the late Miami guard. 

2. Your Franchise is one of of only 8 franchises to win The Martin (2011), do you already feel superior to the Puffs(Austin), Touchdowns(Brungy), Leg Hounds(McKinney) and Dawgs(The Dawg)?

I’m still feeling out the pedigree of each team. With that said, we’ll see how the draft and week one goes before I start slinging mud. 

3. Rumor has it that much like The Mississippi Leg Hounds owner Pearce McWilson you are a "Playboy" owner who only cares about the status of owning a team in THE KSFBFFL. Is it true you will be in a different country during the draft? 

Fake news. Sometimes you have to mix business with pleasure while abroad. Lucky for me, owning the ‘Koochs is my pleasure. 

4. Do you have a particular strategy for your first KSFBFFL draft? 

I plan to consume large quantities of beer to shutdown the brain cells not associated with Fantasy Football in order to maximize focus. 

5. What does owning a franchise in THE KSFBFFL mean to you? 

It’s an honor to be on the same field as coaching legends such as Tristan Trupka, Ben Keck, and Jason Stanley, to name a few. So, as a K-State bro for life, I’m looking forward to the camaraderie amongst coach/owners. Make no mistake though, I’m here to claim The Martin and I look forward to accompanying her to a nice dinner followed by a powerful love making session.

6. Will Julie have any involvement with your team?

Roughing the Kooch is an organization which values diversity and inclusion. 
Is the mic off? Ok, ya, no way would I let that happen. 

7. Any additional comments about joining THE KSFBFFL? 

“Never show weakness, the only pain that matters is the pain you inflict.” -Coach Kilmer