Monday, December 15, 2014

Killers Dream Season Comes Crashing Down

Killers Dream Season Comes Crashing Down

Ben Ji
140 Miles East of Gods Country

   Tanners Bar in Grille in Waldo was the setting for what some had been calling "The Game of the Century". Shadows bouncing off the brick walls, back lit by the glow of flat screen TV's and neon beer signs told the story of  last years runner up, the PV Monkeys, taking on the Keckism Killers. The PV  Monkeys had made the finals last year before losing a heart breaker to the Firechefs. The Killers were a rip roaring buzz saw of a team that had dominated the K-State's Finest Bro's Fantasy Football League in 2014 by winning their last 11 consecutive games. Last week on a bye the Killers had scored 169 points! Conventional wisdom held that the PV Monkeys would hang around for a bit but the Keckism Killers had to much talent too be denied a shot at the Martin. 

Rival GM's and Roommates pose for a pictur        
     19 Minutes into Sundays games everything had changed. The Monkeys had jumped out to a quick 18-7 lead setting off alarms in the Killers Locker room. Things got worse as an early touchdown by the Monkeys Mike Evans set them up with a commanding 25-7 lead that led GM Pearce McKinney to get a little lippy with his opponent across the table. Killers GM Jason Stanley would not back down from a barking match and loudly celebrated a 15 yard rush by the normally flat footed Aaron Rodgers. A Pick Six by Monkeys QB Matt Ryan brings another ouburst of enthusiasm from the Killers Bench. 

    The early turning point came at 12:57 when Matt Ryan took a vicious hit from a Steelers Defender. Ryan took a shot to the chin followed by the back of his head slamming into the ground causing a clear case of the Sketti Brains. The Killers Bench exploded in celebration, if Monkeys QB Matt Ryan was out for the day this game could be over! Monkeys GM Pearce McKinney stepped out of the owners box to check on his star QB. Whatever McKinney said worked as on the next play Matt Ryan showed his balls were made of stone when he threw a perfect strike in the end zone to put the Monkeys up 34-12. QB Matt Ryan ended the day with 20 points, 15 more than Killers Stud QB Aaron Rodgers managed to put up. 
Killers GM Jason Stanley watches his season end. 
        With halftime of the noon games upon us things were looking bleak for the Killers. They were down 42-16 and questions were swirling about why GM Jason Stanley had kept drug addict Josh Gordon in the lineup over WR Mike Wallace who was on pace for a 16 point game. Did Stanley not realize the Browns were starting rookie QB Johnny Football? What about his decision to keep the Patriots Defense and their 20 points on the bench? At halftime Stanley predicted "We will not go quietly into the night, we will score 100 points" but his body language showed a man who was already beaten although he claimed "We will regroup in the locker room and get within 15 when the noon games end. 
          Monkeys GM Pearce McKinney seemed a little more upbeat saying " Our stars haven't found the end zone yet and we are up 26. If any of them can get some scores it could get ugly quick.
         The Killers would not go down easy though as a late Gronkowski TD made it a 54-33 game....but when Jordy Nelson dropped an easy 60 yard TD by Aaron Rodgers Killers GM Jason Stanley was quoted as saying "There is a higher power that doesn't want us to win"
Tucker and McKinney Will face off for the martin next week.  
        By the end of the 3pm games the Killers were down 19 points and needed Demarco Murray to outscore Jimmy Graham by 20 points. As Stanley said "We're living on a prayer". Murray did his part putting up a gutsy 20 point performance on 31 rushes to give the Killers a brief 1 point lead. But it wasn't meant to be for the Killers as Jimmy Graham put the game away with a quick 10 yard reception in the first quarter of Monday Night Football. 
      The Killers dream season was over at 8pm central time, another season filled with promise ended prematurely. But with every rain shower comes a rainbow, and this year's rainbow is the Monkeys who have knocked off the favorite and will face the Cobb's next week with the Martin on the line. Monkeys GM Pearce McKinney was there last year but came up short, this year he plans on popping the cherry saying "Winning the Martin is something I can't really describe as I haven't done it yet. If I were to pop my cherry this year, well it would be VERY NICE"

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