Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All Time Rankings(Football)

We hear the talk all the time.

"Your a shit fantasy owner" "Your team is hot garbage who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag"

"Did Stevie Wonder pick your team?"

"I hope you have retarded children"

But how do we know who the best fantasy owner really is? Is it the team with the most titles? The team that has made the playoffs every year? What about the crap teams at the bottom of the league? Is Pearce really a better GM than Casey?

Thankfully your faithful GM's Ben Keck and Stevie Murphy took some time out of their busy days of PornHub/GoEmaw/Banging Chicks(Steve)/Rosterbating to rank every fantasy owner.

Quick Scoring Breakdown

Low is good.

Each team is assigned a score from 1-12 in 4 categories with the highest ranked team receiving a 1 and the lowest ranked team receiving a 12. If there is a tie that cannot be easily decided both teams are awarded the same number.

Each category is weighted with importance, Total championships count for 40% of your total score while Winning Percentage/Points Per Year/Playoff Win Percentage each count for 20%.

A perfect score would be 1.25.

Add everything up and we have a good overall picture of just who the best Fantasy GM's are....and some of the results may SHOCK YOU.

Overall Stats

Championships 40% of score
1.       Ben Keck – 2* (2008/9)
2.       Steve Murphy – 1 (2012)

3.       Keane Horner – 1 (2011)

The first category we chose was championships...everyone knows you can't be #1 without winning a title so we made this category worth 40% of your total score. Ben Ji has the tie breaker over Steve and Keane due to his helms title from 2008. ***2010 Title was destroyed in a Terrorist Attack***

Scoring Example- Ben Ji received a 1, Steve/Keane received a 2, Everyone else received a 4. 

Win % 20% of score
1.       Steve Murphy – .673
2.       Keane Horner – .654
3.       Matt Murphy – .641
4.       Mike Brungardt – .538^
5.       Justin VanHecke – .500
6.       Jason Stanley – .481
7.       Austin Meyers – .462^
8.       Ben Keck – .423
9.       Pearce McKinley – .410
10.   Casey Walker – .385
11.   Harrison Poole – .365

12.   Tristan Trupka – .359

Since we have had a couple expansion/relocation's after the Terrorist attacks of 2010 we decided to use winning percentage over total wins in order adequately represent our new owners. The big surprise here is that two time champion Ben Ji Keck has a below .500 career record. 

Total Points (Per Year Avg.) 20% of score
1.       Keane Horner – 1,236
2.       Matt Murphy – 1,198
3.       Steve Murphy – 1,173
4.       Casey Walker – 1,148
5.       Pearce McKinley – 1,132
6.       Jason Stanley – 1,120
7.       Justin VanHecke – 1,118
8.       Austin Meyers – 1,115^
9.       Mike Brungardt – 1,105^
10.   Ben Keck – 1,103
11.   Tristan Trupka – 1,083

12.   Harrison Poole – 1,019

Look at ole Casey Wayne up there at #4, pretty impressive for a team that has never made the playoffs...Maybe his teams have been snake bitten all these years?

Playoff W/L (Appearance %) 20% of score*Bye's count as W's
1.       Ben Keck – 3-1 (50%)
2.       Keane Horner – 5-3 (100%)
3.       Steve Murphy – 4-3 (100%)
4.       Matt Murphy – 3-3 (100%)
5.       Harrison Poole – 1-1 (25%)
6.       Justin VanHecke – 1-2 (50%)
7.       Jason Stanley – 0-1 (25%)
8.       Mike Brungardt – 0-1 (100%)^
9.       Pearce McKinley – 0-0 (0%)
10.   Tristan Trupka - 0-0 (0%)
11.   Casey Walker - 0-0 (0%)

12.   Austin Meyers - 0-0 (0%)^

The best teams get the job done when the money is on the line.

Final Rankings

#1 Keane Horner -2.2

Apparently there is nothing else to do in Utah besides Roster-Bate and drink 3.2 beer. GM Keane Horner has become the top GM in the league by way of never missing the playoffs and winning the title back in 2011.

#2 Steve Murphy- 2.8

Ole Sven Murphy is right up there with Cheese in his Manic dedication to the Craft of Fantasy Football. Just like Cheese he has made the playoffs every year and took the title back to Kansas last year. Great work all around Stevie.

#3 Matt Murphy- 4.1

Our first big surprise has the Raw Dawg Matt Murphy sitting pretty at #3. While the Dawg has never won a title he has made the playoffs and won a game each of his 3 years. Could this be the year the Dawg finally escapes from his kennel?

#4 Ben Keck- 6.05

The good news is that 2013 is an odd year and ole Ben Ji seems to excel in odd years. In 2009 he won the title and in 2011 he was the #1 seed before losing in the semifinals to Keene.  The bad news is that his teams have been a bucket of fetid sewage in even years taking last overall in 2010 and 2012.

#5 Justin Van Heche- 6.8

The definition of Average here Justin has gone 6-7/7-6/7-6/6-7 the past 4 years. Hopefully the promotion of Strength & Conditioning coach Brook Kaiser to Offensive Coordinator will allow them to compete at a new level.

#6 Jason Stanley- 7.1

Stans Stans Stans Stans. With only 1 winning season in 4 years its a wonder you are this high on the list.

#7 Mike Brungardt- 7.4

Mikey Gomez joined the league last year and has a solid 7-6 performance. A couple more good years and he could find himself a lil higher up in the rankings.

#8 Pearce McKinley- 8

3 years with no playoff appearances....At least last year was his first winning season!

#8 Casey Walker- 8

Despite averaging the 4h most points per year the Walkers have yet to have a winning season or make the playoffs. Stephanie Walker has vowed that will change this fall as she brings her Dixie mind to the organization.

#10 Austin Meyers- 8.3

Despite going 6-7 in his inaugural year the Puff Puff Pass's are pretty low on this list.

#11 Harrison Poole- 9.8

Despite going 8-5 last year Harrison Poole is near the bottom of the list after 2 disastrous years on 2010 and 2011.

#12 Tristan Trupka- 10.7

3 Years of Frustration can provide alot of momentum on a swing.

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